Authored by Dr.Roger Pearman Ed.D, Dr. R. Daniel Parks and Dr. Barry Phillips, Entrepreneurial EDGE assessment is one of the best assessment tools that facilitates entrepreneurs to identify their development needs and work on them. Using the EDGE report, Coach Sri Harsha Govardhana coaches entrepreneurs and business leaders on a specific set of competencies, to be able to tackle the challenges of intrapreneurship and to succeed within an organization. This assessment is intended to measure the competencies that are most important to driving success, from the beginning stages of creating your new idea to the later stages of growing and renewing your venture.

Change has defined the political, social, and economic landscape of the 21st century. Major changes like globalization and technological advancements have created a hyper-competitive, uncertain world. However, these changes have created ample opportunities for those willing to capitalize on change. Many of the people who have succeeded are those who were entrepreneurial, taking advantage of new opportunities through innovation. Examples include Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, who created a new social-media industry, and Ginni Rometty of IBM, who transitioned her company into a leader in data and analytics. What these executives show is that to succeed in business one must be entrepreneurial, whether they are an entrepreneur building a new company or an intrapreneur innovating within an established organization. Whether they are inside or outside of an organization, the Entrepreneurial Edge can help individuals understand how to reach their entrepreneurial aspirations.

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How it helps

Researched over 25 years of experience coaching innovators inside and outside of organizations.

Millions of entrepreneurs benefited from this psychometric assessment each year.

Useful to entrepreneurs at different stages of their business journey, where it is early stage, growth stage, mature stage or declining stage.

It measures them on 12 entrepreneurial competencies.

Helps them discover their entrepreneurial blind spots.

Helps them learn the behaviours, tactics that influence their success.